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This blog thenceforth shall be my creative output and outlet. Only constructive criticism is welcomed.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Research and Reference

Picture taken from Iconofgraphics.com
Referral Artist: Ludwig Hohlwein (1874-1949)
Referral Art Movement: Plakatstil 

The First work of art considered "plakatstil" by Lucian Bernhard.
Image taken from: http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/09/73209-004-77C18F2C.jpg

Taken from  http://giam.typepad.com/100_years_of_illustration/ludwig_hohlwein_18741949/
The Plakatstil (or poster style)  movement revolutionized the way posters looked.  Before this movement poster art was basically art noveau.  Ludwig Hohlwein was not the pioneer of Plakatstil but he is normally credited as the second person to popularize this style.    

The Plakatstil movement was a huge leap away from the traditional art in many ways. Plakatstil focused on using simple illustrations to convey a message.  To do so, plakatstil utilizes colors and texture get people's attention.  After looking and reading through many plakatstil works, I have come up with the elements and principles of the plakatstil design.

Flat colors and taut lines
Taken from http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2009/350/c/c/Plakatstil_Black_Beauty__by_kaylaross.jpg

Elements of Design:
  1. Lines are solid and taut.
  2. Shapes are simplified and defined
  3. Direction is normally oriented vertically.
  4. Size of the subject is bigger if not the only object in the poster.
  5. Texture is smooth.
  6. Color (Hue) used are flat colors.
  7. High Value contrast between colors.

Balanced and centralized picture
Taken from:  http://giam.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/lh_sudana.jpg

Principles of Design:
  1. Good Balance
  2. Gradation tends to lead eyes to the center of the artwork
  3. Repetition is not really used in plakastil as normally one subject is used.
  4. Contrast always leads to the center or where the subject of the artwork is located.
  5. Harmony is not really important as the focus is to bring out the message.
  6. Dominance is given to the subject.
  7. Unity is used to make the picture smooth.  
These are only my explanation on the elements and principles. The Elements and Principles of Design were taken from: http://www.johnlovett.com/test.htm

I like Hohlwein's art because all of them have a realistic yet abstract style.  Though the colors used are not the subject's original colors, Hohlwein is still able to portray reality.  The mere simplicity of the Plakatstil style is the reason why I love the style so much.  
Taken from http://giam.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/gipsyx.jpg


1 comment:

  1. hi, do you know who design the Black Beauty poster? The poster has a horse.
